// NPCR2 Textbook 14-3 可不是 kěbúshì isn't that so 气温 qìwēn temperature 更 gèng more; even more 空儿 kòngr spare time 太巧了 tài qiǎo le what a coincidence 没想到 méi xiǎngdào to have never imagined or expected 新年 xīnnián New Year 首 shǒu a measure word fonr songs, poems, etc. 爱好 àihào to be fond of / hobby 不过 bùguò buy; yet 打算 dǎsuàn to plan / plan 首都 shǒudū capital (of a country) 另 lìng other 有名 yǒumíng famous 了解 liǎojiě to understand; to know 历史 lìshǐ history 传统文化 chuántǒng wénhuà traditional culture 羊肉 yángròu lamb; mutton 羊肉泡馍 yángròu pàomó flatbread in lamb soup 猜 cāi to guess 招聘 zhāopìn to recruit 面试 miànshì to interview 面试馆 miànshìguǎn interviewer 过 guo used after a verb to indicate a past action or experience