// NPCR2 Textbook 14-1 比 bǐ than (e.g., better than, easier than) 话剧 huàjù play 剧 jù drama 留学生 liúxuéshēng international student 留学 liúxué to study abroad 晚会 wǎnhuì party; evening party 开 kāi to hold (a meeting, party, etc.) 表演 biǎoyǎn to perform 演 yǎn to act 节目 jiémù performance; program; show 商量 shāngliang to discuss 建议 jiànyì suggestion / to suggest 或者 huòzhě or 太极拳 tàijíquán taijiquan; t'ai chi 打 dǎ to do (t'ai chi exercises); to perform (taijiquan) 热闹 rènao exciting; lively 这样 zhèyàng this way; in this manner 难 nán difficult 容易 róngyì easy 再说 zàishuō in addition; moreover 提高 tígāo to improve 水平 shuǐpíng level; standard 故事 gùshi story; experience 同意 tóngyì to agree 记者 jìzhě journalist 写作 xiězuò to write 高 gāo high 找 zhǎo to look for; to find 剧本 jùběn script (of a play, movie, etc.) 强 qiáng strong; powerful