// NPCR2 Textbook 13-3 钱包 qiánbāo purse; wallet 包 bāo bag 出租车 chūzūchē taxi 发票 fāpiào receipt 火车站 huǒchēzhàn railway station 汽车站 qìchēzhàn bus station (飞)机场 (fēi)jīchǎng airport 入口 rùkǒu entrance 出口 chūkǒu exit 候车室 hòuchēshì waiting room (at a railway station, etc.) 退票 tuìpiào to return a ticket; ticket refund 改签 gǎiqiān to change one's reservation; to change one's ticket to a different flight or train 转机 zhuǎnjī to transfer; to make a connection flight 师傅 shīfu (a respectful term of address for a skilled worker) master 修理 xiūlǐ to repair; to mend; to fix 修 xiū to repair 灯 dēng light; lamp 欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe 非洲 Fēizhōu Africa 邮件 yóujiàn postal matter; mail 逛 guàng to stroll; to visit; to go (window shopping) 整理 zhěnglǐ to tidy up; to arrange; to straighten out 打扫 dǎsǎo to clean; to clean up (a room); to sweep 找 zhǎo to find; to look for 桌子 zhuōzi desk; table 椅子 yǐzi chair 搬 bān to move