// NPCR2 Textbook 12-1 包裹 bāoguǒ parcel; package 保安 bǎo'ān security; security guard 拿 ná to take; to hold; to carry 单子 dānzi form; list 单 dān form; list 以后 yǐhòu after; later; later on 窗口 chuāngkǒu window 窗 chuāng window 航空 hángkōng to transport by air 海运 hǎiyùn to transport by sea; to ship by sea 海 hǎi sea 运 yùn to transport; to ship 清楚 qīngchu clear; distinct 遍 biàn (a measure word for an action from beginning to end) time 左右 zuǒyòu approximately; about 一般 yībān generally; usually / ordinary 称 chēng to weigh 放 fàng to put; to place 邮费 yóufèi postage 费 fèi fee; cost; bill 填 tián to fill out 姓名 xìngmíng full name 收件人 shōujiànrén recipient; addressee 收 shōu to receive 完 wán to finish 最后 zuìhòu finally 得 děi have to; must; need to