// NPCR2 Textbook 11-1 得 de a structural particle before a complement 排队 páiduì to form a line; to queue up 排 pái to arrange; to put 队 duì row; line 英镑 yīngbàng pound sterling 人民币 rénmínbì Renminbi (RMB) 人民 rénmín people 查 chá to check; to take a look; to look up 从 cóng from 又 yòu again; once more; also; in addition 玩儿 wánr to play 非常 fēicháng Adv very; extremely; highly 次 cì time (e.g., once, twice...) 宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel 房间 fángjiān room 参观 cānguān to visit (a place) 兵马俑 bīngmǎyǒng terracotta army of soliders and horses 兵 bīng soldier; warrior 小吃 xiǎochī snacks; refreshments; local specialties 明信片 míngxìnpiàn postcard 信 xìn letter 那儿 nàr there 哦 ò (expressing realization and understanding) oh; (expressing exclamation or surprise) ah 营业员 yíngyèyuán shop assistant 营业 yíngyè to do business 签字 qiānzì to sign (one's name) 签 qiān to sign 字 zì word; character 数 shǔ to count 西安 Xī'ān Xi'an (capital of Shaanxi Province)