// NPCR1 Textbook 9-2 博物馆 bówùguǎn museum 展览 zhǎnlǎn to exhibit 时候 shíhou time; moment 车 chē vehicle 开车 kāi chē to drive a car (or any type of vehicle) 开 kāi to drive 驾照 jiàzhào license 打车 dǎ chē to take a taxi; (to go somewhere) by taxi 打 dǎ to take (a taxi) 路上 lùshang on the way 可能 kěnéng may; maybe; (to be) possible 堵车 dǔ chē to be congested with traffic; to be in a traffic jam 堵 dǔ to block 慢 màn slow 地铁 dìtiě subway 公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē bus 公共 gōnggòng public 汽车 qìchē vehicle; car 路 lù route; road 换 huàn to transfer; to change 线 xiàn line; route 饿 è hungry 天安门 Tiān'ān Mén Tian'anmen 苹果园 Píngguǒyuán Pingguoyuan (Apple Orchard, name of a subway station in Bejing)