// NPCR1 Textbook 8-3 眼睛 yǎnjing eye 牙 yá tooth 胃 wèi stomach 脖子 bózi neck 胳膊 gēbo arm 腰 yāo lower back; waist 腿 tuǐ leg 发烧 fāshāo to have a fever 拉肚子 lā dùzi to have loose bowels; to have diarrhea 感冒 gǎnmào to have a cold 急诊 jízhěn emergency 外科 wàikē surgical department 西药 xīyào Western medicine 透视 tòushì to have an X-ray exam 针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion 大便 dàbiàn feces, stool 小便 xiǎobiàn urine