// NPCR1 Textbook 8-2 在 zài at, in, on 挂号 guàhào to register (in a hospital) 挂 guà to register (in a hospital) 科 kē department 内科 nèikē department of internal medicine 内 nèi internal; inside 层 céng floor 全身 quánshēn the whole body; all over 全 quán whole; complete; total 量 liáng to measure 体温 tǐwēn body temperature 大夫 dàifu doctor 度 dù degree 发炎 fāyán to be inflamed 验血 yànxiě to have a blood test 血 xiě blood 打针 dǎzhēn to give an injection; to get a shot 针 zhēn injection 不用 bùyòng no need 水 shuǐ water 休息 xiūxi to rest; to take a break 中药 zhōngyào traditional Chinese medicine 药 yào medicine