// NPCR1 Textbook 6-2 别 bié don't 着急 zháojí worried; anxious 小姐 xiǎojiě Miss; young lady 地方 dìfang place; region 知道 zhīdào to know 超市 chāoshì supermarket 前边 qiánbian front; in front of 前 qián front 对面 duìmiàn opposite; across (from) 饭馆 fànguǎn restaurant 过 guò to cross; to pass 马路 mǎlù road; street 路 lù road; way; path 后边 hòubian back; behind; rear 后 hòu back 条 tiáo (a measure word for something long, narrow or thin, like rivers, dragons, trousers, etc.) strip; long narrow piece 胡同 hútòng hutong; alley 等 děng to wait 街道 jiēdào street 街 jiē street 老 lǎo old