// NPCR1 Textbook 4-2 现在 xiànzài now 差 chà to be short of; to lack 分 fēn minute 回 huí to return 学校 xuéxiào school 班 bān class 活动 huódòng activity; event 听说 tīngshuō to be told; to hear of 听 tīng to listen 说 shuō to say; to speak 女生 nǚshēng female student 男生 nánshēng male student 男 nán male 少 shǎo few; little 只 zhǐ only 多少 duōshao how many; how much 有意思 yǒu yìsi interesting 意思 yìsi meaning 学生 xuésheng student 来 lái to come 专业 zhuānyè major (subject) 主意 zhǔyì idea