// NPCR1 Textbook 10-2 刚才 gāngcái just now 手机 shǒujī cell phone 手 shǒu hand 响 xiǎng to ring 商店 shāngdiàn shop; store 店 diàn shop; store 短信 duǎnxìn text message 短 duǎn short 打电话 dǎ diànhuà to call someone 打 dǎ to make (a call) 电话 diànhuà telephone 喂 wèi (usually on the phone) hello 问好 wèn hǎo to send one's regards (to someone); to say hello (to someone) 帮 bāng to help 想 xiǎng to miss 复习 fùxí to review 课文 kèwén text 用 yòng to use 词典 cídiǎn dictionary 上网 shàng wǎng to go online; to go on the Internet 网 wǎng net; Internet 寄 jì to post; to mail